Laser Hair Removal

What Can I Expect During Laser Hair Treatment?
During treatment, the laser emits a pulse, which travels through the skin and is attracted to the darkness of the hair. The laser then heats up the hair’s shaft and root, destroying it. Because the follicle is eliminated, it is unable to regrow hair. The Dynamic Cooling Device™ of our Candela GentleYAG laser emits a highly focused spray of coolant on the skin just before each laser pulse, targeting the exact area. This process protects the epidermis from overheating, burning, and scaring while reducing any discomfort.
Soprano ICE Platinum For Hair Removal
Soprano ICE Platinum is an advanced hair removal platform that incorporates multiple laser wavelengths and technologies. It offers power and versatility that treats the broadest range of skin types and hair types all year round.
Soprano Ice Platinum is fast and virtually pain-free. Most clients only experience a gentle warming sensation in the area, with some feeling very mild pins and needles.
Soprano ICE Platinum For Hair Removal
Certain types of hair are easier to remove than others. Dark hair is easier to target with the hair removal laser than light hair. The SoCal Lazer & Medi-Spa team strives to help every patient get rid of unwanted hair regardless of what type of hair they have.
Laser hair removal at SoCal Lazer & Medi-Spa is customized based on the patient’s needs. The spot size and laser fluence are determined according to your individual skin type and level of hair growth.

What Areas Can Benefit From Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal can address unwanted hair growth in nearly any part of your body. The most common areas for hair removal include:
- Underarms
- Bikini area
- Lower legs
- Lower arms
- The chest
- Back
Laser Hair Removal in Huntington Beach, CA
The SoCal Lazer & Medi-Spa team strives to help every patient get rid of unwanted hair, regardless of what type of hair they have. If you are ready to easily and effectively remove hair, it’s time to contact us to schedule your first laser hair removal appointment. SoCal Lazer & Medi-Spa in Huntington Beach, California is ready to serve your needs.